Monday, June 9, 2008

Top Fives with Rob Mathis

We've picked Rob's brain a little, read what we found out and then visit!

Places to Shoot:
1) SLC,Utah
2) Helsinki, Finland
3) Stockholm, Sweden
4) Minneapolis, Minnesota,
5) Whistler for pow pow

Snowboarders to Shoot:
1) JP Walker
2) Jeremy Jones
3) Seth Huot
4) Darrell Mathes/Pat Moore
5) Iikka Backstrom/Eddie Wall

(Top 5 in rotation right now are)
1) Immortal.
3) Destroyer666
4) Warbringer
5) Satyricon

Things to do in the Off-Season:
1) Family/kids
2) Poker
3) Harley
5) Watch racing all day Sunday

Things to Say Yes to:
1) My wife
2) Poker
4) Harley ride
5) Sushi tonight

(In no particular order)
2) Embry Rucker
3) Andy Wright
4) Blotto
5) Jeff Curtes

Spots to Eat:
1) Nobu (San Clemente) ummm salmon specials
3) Sushi joint at the bottom of the rail in Stockholm
4) Cheesecake Factory
5) Wendy's #6(haha)

Snowboard Vids of all Time:
1) Decade
2) Resistance
3) True Life
4) Simple Pleasures
5) Happy Hour

Excuses Not to go on a Cold Rail Trip: (You mean backcountry shoot?)
1) Sled's not running
2) Drive there's sketchy
3) Avalanche dangers
4) I have to Hike?


Anonymous said...

such a sick photographer, one of my favs

danny said...

lance. you seriously linked a picture of jp snowskating. of all the amazing shots of him snowboarding you picked that one.

Lance Michael Hakker said...

So what you're saying is that you prefer predictability?

Anonymous said...

those links made me LOL

danny said...

normally you know me and my penchant for the obscure but when we are talling jp walker here i want the real deal.

Lance Michael Hakker said...

Danny, I promise that is JP Walker.