1. Celtics fans
2. Laker fans
3. Celtics haters
4. Laker haters
And it's safe to say that most people who voted for Boston are in category 4 as opposed to category 1. And it's also safe to say that most people who voted for LA are part of category 2 as opposed to category 3. So what I'm trying to say is, the Lakers still come out on top.
And despite what seems like inevitability, it's not over yet. The Lakers will win tonight, and that leaves them just one game behind.
lakers are done for.
you can't keep making polls and then explain why the majority is invalid.
if my calculations and estimates are correct, if Kobe makes $100 million per year with contracts endorsements ect... he is making $3 a second... not bad for a black dude.
This time I fully enjoyed myself while explaining why the majority is invalid. Besides, this was my first time I've done that anyway. On the rail poll I just wanted to point out a few honorable mentions!
the lakers are never going to win two ina row in boston.
it will go 7. its all fixed anyway. of course they wanted it to be lakers and celtics. more people will watch... and that means more money.
well said lance, you said what we were all thinking. lakers will take game 6 for sure... 7 will be a battle
ha i agree with it being fixed! jazz should have won. they were cheated and i knew it. god damn refs. haha. if only...
You are right that the series is not over, but they are definitely not going to win 3 in a row with the final two in Boston. They barely squeaked out a win in Game 5. You are also forgetting a significant category of voters in the poll: Objective basketball fans with no rooting interest. I would venture to say that we are the most credible observers. I thought it would be a tough series from the beginning, but from the start the Celtics have looked like the team that they should be instead of the team that they have looked at all season. I am sorry to say that Boston just has more talent and veteran experience. By the way, the Utah Jazz played an incredibly competitive series and just could not get the breaks they needed.
What about #5... Haters of the NBA? (aka bitter seattlites who are about to lose their oldest pro team.)
NBA sucks, clay Bennett sucks, David stern pays refs to fix games.
Seattle does love ray Allen though.
oh look who won! and i dont even give a fuck for basketball so im not 1,2,3,or 4. i like em both i guess mutha fuckaa
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