1) Last band that you realized you really liked:
I don't know? I need new music.
2) Last time Mac Spedale pissed you off:
Well when he was visiting me recently we didn't go skateboarding one single time.
3) Last time you thought, "What did I just get myself into?":
Trying to do a frontside 360 today at Camarillo skatepark.
4) Last bit of good news:
I'm not starting school for another week.
5) Last good time in Salt Lake City:
Hanging with Will, Cody, Ben G, Sean, Adam, Sean B, Pat, Sam Spedale, Andy the Landlord, Danny, Marzipan, Eric F, Big Nick, Nick Russel, Seabass and everyone else who I know is always a great time. Every time!
6) Last time you were mistaken for Shaun White:
You are the only one who would say that dickhead.
7) Last advice you received:
"When you assume you make and ass out of u and me" or "AFLO" -DG
8) Last time you woke up early to go skateboarding:
Never? What the heck? I don't know maybe on my friends birthday party when were 13 or so. My friend's Dad drove us to the chino 4 block so we could try to skateboard there.
9) Last text message in your phone:
It is from you "you got mail".
10) Last time Desiree one upped you snowboarding:
Probably every time.
did harrison film? i want to see his part.
Good Ol' Boardin' Gordon, Hardway Harry, Gordito Boardito, Lindsey Lohan's Crotch, The Real Flying Tomato, or whatever you prefer shot with Team Thunder this year. He'll also have a part in the Bear Mountain video and some clips in Transworld's These Days.
harrison is so sexy.
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