Apparently if you have an iphone you can prank call people from other people's numbers. I found out about this when my friends' Chicken and Brandon Phillips called me from Nima's number. Below is the recording. Now I talk to Nima multiple times a day, so I was completely off guard. And the caller ID said Nima Jalali, so you can imagine what I was thinking when I got the call. Listen. Enjoy at my expense.
Nah...Chicken.well actually i was just going along with Lance! LOL and we have more... Ya Dirks! we should post yours! and Carlino your lucky u got dirt on me or your would be posted as well :) ha
hahaha nice one by them. That would be so sad if it were true.
hahahahahahaha you idiot
that is an amazing prank technique. when are we gonna get to hear the conversation when you called the actual nima?
the actual Nima is in Jamaica i guess
I don't know anything about recording coversations, but when I called Nima it started like this:
LMH - "So what does that mean for us?"
NJ - "What?"
LMH - "What does it mean for us?"
NJ - "Why does it sound like we're in the middle of a conversation?"
LMH - "What?"
And so on.
hahaha, thats pretty clever.
if we can do this to our friends imagin what the FBI can do to america!!!
hahahah thats amazing. of course brandon comes up with it exploded though.
Nah...Chicken.well actually i was just going along with Lance! LOL
and we have more...
Ya Dirks! we should post yours! and Carlino your lucky u got dirt on me or your would be posted as well :)
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