Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Desiree Visits the ER

So Desiree is still recovering from her broken collar bone and recently had a little complication. She had just flown in from her Holden shoot last night and had to go to the emergency room because of an infected abscess. This is what she had to say about what happened, "Well basically, I had to wear my brace and I never washed it and didn't shower often. Then I started becoming more active and the brace was rubbing my pits raw, pretty much to the point of bleeding. Then the infection started and it turned into a giant ball in my pit pretty much. Then the ball just kept growing until it hurt too much. Then I went to the ER for 4 hours and he cut it out and allowed me to take pictures with my celly while it was happening."

I know, you're hungry. Go eat dinner.


Anonymous said...

shaving your arm pits would of helped! Harry your dating a boy. :)

tedo3000 said...


Anonymous said...

i see a nipple i think,