Joe, Kooley, and Jordan have been shredding together a bunch this year with MDP-People. Makes sense to me. Here are some photos that Joey's been shooting of the dudes hanging and stuff. When Joey's not snowboarding or running around with his point and shoot he can actually take some really cool photos. These aren't those, but maybe in 15 years when he can become the next big thing behind the lens?

Jordan biting steel.

Big Jon and Little Jon.

Jordan and Jon just finished putting up that piece on some public property in the background.

LNP's filming with Rome, but he's down for People and came out to hang and shoot with the J-Squadron. Yeah I'm calling Joey, Jon, and Jordan the J-Squadron now, deal with it.

Ohhhh... A sneak peak into Jordan's part. Looks like a line.

This photo of Jon is dedicated to all of you close-minded kids or adults out there who exclusively fancy the fit of your own pants. Yep, everyone of you. No matter which side of the fence you're on, this is dedicated to you.
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